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Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern
  • Hwb
  • School Gateway
21 June 2023

Diwrnod HMS 26.06.23 Ysgol ar gau i ddisgyblion

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14 June 2023

Join the Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern family!!

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19 May 2023

Thank you so much to Mared Williams for leading our GCSE music students in a composing workshop.

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24 April 2023

Dyddiadau pwysig - Important dates!

My project 1 2
My project 1 2
7 December 2022

Order your tickets by contacting us

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22 September 2022

The BSL Club will meet every Monday from 3pm-4pm. A great opportunity to learn British Sign Language.

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21 September 2022

Remember the Open Evening on 27.09.22

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30 August 2022

The school will re-open for all pupils on Monday 05/09/22 - we look forward to welcoming everyone back.

18 March 2022

18th of March is National Children Exploitation Day. Today gives us the opportunity to draw attention to the many aspects of Child Exploitation and encourages everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse.

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17 March 2022

Everyone at Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern would like to extend their heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Elgan Wyn Jones. Elgan was a hugely popular pupil amongst staff and school children. His passing is a tremendous loss to our school community.

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2 March 2022

THURSDAY 03/03/22: Wear Red for the Day / Year 10 BAC Fair

Remember your loose change!

Proceeds to the Teenage Cancer Trust

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14 February 2022

Huge congratulations to the girls on their achievement!

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3 February 2022

Congratulations boys!

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17 December 2021

Er mwyn rhoi amser i ysgolion asesu eu capasiti staffio a rhoi'r mesurau angenrheidiol ar waith i gefnogi dychweliad dysgwyr, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi penderfynu rhoi dau ddiwrnod cynllunio i bob ysgol ar ddechrau'r tymor nesaf (6 a 7 Ionawr 2022). Ni fydd ysgolion yn darparu unrhyw ddysgu ar-lein/cyfunol yn ystod y dyddiau hyn. Mae disgwyl i bob dysgwr ym Môn ddychwelyd i'r ysgol ddydd Llun 10 Ionawr. Bydd taliadau electronig yn parhau i'r teuluoedd hynny sydd â hawl i ddarpariaeth prydau ysgol am ddim i'w plant.

Yn dibynnu ar sefyllfa Covid, mae'n bosibl y gwelwn newidiadau yn y ffordd y mae ysgolion yn gweithredu pan fyddant yn dychwelyd ym mis Ionawr. Byddwn yn parhau i asesu'r sefyllfa mewn cydweithrediad â Llywodraeth Cymru, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a phenaethiaid. Bydd ysgolion yn rhannu unrhyw ddiweddariadau perthnasol gyda chi fel y bo'n briodol.

Mae hon yn sefyllfa sy'n esblygu'n gyflym ac rydym yn eich annog i gymryd gofal ychwanegol i gadw eich hunain a'r rhai o'ch cwmpas mor ddiogel â phosibl.

Hoffwn ddiolch am eich amynedd ac eich cydweithrediad parhaus. Dymuniadau gorau i chi a’ch teulu dros y Nadolig.


Gwasanaeth Dysgu Ynys Môn

In order to provide schools with time to assess staffing capacity and put the necessary measures in place to support the return of learners, the Welsh Government has decided to provide all schools with two planning days at the beginning of next term (6 and 7 January 2022). Schools will not be providing any online/blended learning during these days. All learners on Anglesey are expected to return to school on Monday 10 January. Electronic payments will continue for those families are entitled to free school meal provision for their children.

Depending on the Covid situation, it is possible that we will see changes in how schools operate when they return in January. We will continue to assess the situation in collaboration with Welsh Government, Public Health Wales and headteachers. Schools will share any relevant updates with you as appropriate.

This is a fast evolving situation and we urge you to take extra care to keep yourselves and those around you as safe as possible.

We would like to thank you for your patience and continued support. Best wishes to you and your family over Christmas.


Anglesey Learning Service

13 December 2021

Once again this year we will be supporting the Reverse Advent Calendar campaign.

The intention is to collect as many items as we can which will then be presented to the Food Bank at the end of the month. We accept the following:

Longlife Milk, Soup, Tins Custard/Rice Pudding, Tinned vegetables, Jam/Marmalade, Tea/Coffee, Chocolate, and Toiletries.

Thank you for your support.


Calendr Adfent o chwith Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern
12 November 2021

As part of the Enterprise Challenge with the Welsh Bac - 2 groups have chosen the Welsh Blood Service brief, and even though they do not have to actually complete the Challenge, a group of pupils: Cerys, Megan, Alys, Catrin, Magi and Mia have chosen to complete it and help the WBS encourage the local community to give blood.
A member of the WBS came into school last week to increase awareness of the service with our Year 13 pupils and presented information on blood, bone marrow and platelets in young people between 17 an 31.

One donation of blood can save the lives of 3 people or 6 babies.

Have you ever donated blood before?Welsh Blood Service is calling on the residents of the Holyhead area to start saving lives.

The next clinic will be at Holyhead Hotspur FC on December 29 and 30.

Visit to book your lifesaving donation.

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1 November 2021

Information for pupils and parents

Poster Amser i Siarad Tachwedd 2021
21 October 2021

Non School Uniform Day 22/10/21

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14 September 2021

GCSE Year 10 PE pupils experiencing some circuit training today.

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30 June 2021

Year 10 Physical Education pupils having a fun day full of outdoor activities

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24 June 2021

Datganiad i’r Wasg

Ymchwilio i ymosodiad seiber ar Ysgolion Uwchradd

Mae Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn yn ymchwilio i ymosodiad seiber sydd wedi effeithio ar bob un o’i pum ysgol uwchradd.

Mae systemau technoleg gwybodaeth - yn cynnwys cyfrifon e-bost - wedi eu hatal dros dro er mwyn gallu rheoli’r digwyddiad sydd wedi effeithio ar Ysgol Syr Thomas Jones, Amlwch; Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern; Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni; Ysgol David Hughes, Porthaethwy, ac Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi.

Fodd bynnag, mae’n bosib bod data personol sy’n cael ei chadw ar y systemau hyn wedi ei chyfaddawdu yn ystod yr ymosodiad seiber.

Eglurodd Annwen Morgan, Prif Weithredwr Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn, “Fe wnaethom ddarganfod yr ymosodiad seiber ddoe (Dydd Mercher, Mehefin 23) ac yna symud yn gyflym i ddod â thîm o ymgynghorwyr technoleg seiber arbenigol i mewn er mwyn ymchwilio i’r mater. Bydd y Ganolfan Diogelwch Seiber Genedlaethol hefyd yn ein cefnogi er mwyn gallu datrys y mater.”

“Mae’n debyg y bydd ychydig o aflonyddwch i’r ysgolion dros yr wythnosau nesaf gan efallai y bydd angen i rai systemau gael eu hadfer ac y bydd eraill yn parhau i fod oddi ar lein am gyfnod.”

Ychwanegodd, “Rydym yn cydweithio’n agos â phartneriaid eraill er mwyn cefnogi ein hysgolion uwchradd. Er na allwn gadarnhau ar hyn o bryd a oes mynediad diawdurdod at ddata wedi digwydd, mae Swyddfa’r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth wedi eu hysbysu am y digwyddiad.”

Ni fydd Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn yn gwneud unrhyw sylwadau pellach ar hyn o bryd.

Diwedd 24.6.21

Am fwy o wybodaeth: Gethin Jones, Uned Gyfathrebu (01248) 752130

Press release

Secondary schools’ cyber-attack investigated

The Isle of Anglesey County Council is investigating a cyber-attack, which has affected all of its five secondary schools.

Information technology systems - including email accounts - have been temporarily disabled to contain the incident, which has affected Ysgol Syr Thomas Jones, Amlwch; Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern; Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni; Ysgol David Hughes, Menai Bridge, and Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi.

However, it is possible that personal data held on these systems could have been compromised during the cyber-attack.

Anglesey Council’s Chief Executive, Annwen Morgan, explained, “We discovered the cyber-attack yesterday (Wednesday, June 23rd) and moved quickly to bring in a team of specialised cyber-technology consultants to investigate. The National Cyber Security Centre will also be providing us with support to resolve matters.”

“There is likely to be some disruption at the schools over the coming weeks as systems may need to be restored and others remain offline.”

She added, “We are working closely with other partners to support our secondary schools. Although we are not currently able to confirm that there has been a data breach, the Information Commissioner’s Office has also been made aware of the incident.”

Anglesey Council will not be making any further comment at present.

Ends 24.6.21

For further information: Gethin Jones, Communications Unit (01248) 752130

28 May 2021

Goodbye Year 11


26 March 2021

The latest from our PE department - it's great to see our pupils back!

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5 March 2021

Your vote counts!

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